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German Health Insurance Simplified (Part I)

Feather Insurance

New country, new health insurance system. German health insurance can be daunting for new arrivals to the country. In this guide, we aim to simplify the German health insurance system and give you all the information you need to help you figure out which is the best health insurance option for you.

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Insurance Options in Germany


Getting insurance in Germany doesn‘t have to be a scary topic — neither for individuals nor for companies. In this article, we explain two convenient options for employees: company health insurance and company pension schemes.

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Learning German: Online or In-Person?

Georgia Riungu

You’ve finally decided to up your German game and are ready to book a language course. But there’s one more decision left to make before you sign up… Online or in-person? Let's discuss.

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Financial Planning for Expats in Germany

Sarah Dudley

Investing and financial planning might not be the first things that come to mind if you only just moved to Germany. But make no mistake — even if you’re not sure how long you'll stay in Germany, talking to a financial advisor from the beginning can be crucial for your financial stability in your new home.

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